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Astrology Web Service

Web astrology service licensing  –  display astrology content on your website or application

Web astrolWeb Astrology Serviceogy readings

Online distribution of horoscope/astrology readings as both free and paid for content – using our ready made  online delivery system for white label content – as well as easy to access web services for implementation of your mobile or social media apps. Web Astrology  applications – you can use to augment your dating site or astrology service

White Label Web Astrology Service

Social Media – Website Content – Mobile Apps – Email – Dating Apps – Click here – to check out reports available from our web service.

Providing White Label integrated forms and sales text to create free or paid for astrology reports. Birth charts, readings on a variety of topics including language versions. Which can be used on your web site or mobile telephone application or social media or dating site. Multiple language content for apps. Plus our XML daily horoscope feeds create ongoing revenue streams.

White Label Web Astrology Report Sales

Earn additional revenue for your web site with unique astrology content. Click to view Demo White Label Astrology store. High speed delivery of free birth charts and readings on screen and via email. Build a dynamic email list and deliver content each day. Contact Us for further information

Web Astrology Service – Personal Daily Forecasts

Web Astrology content for daily delivery to apps or websites. Personal daily forecasts. Visitors can subscribe to their daily astrological transit forecast interpretations. See sample and view your own

Captivate visitors using web astrology services

  • We provide a unique range of horoscope services that combine internet technology with astrological calculations. Makes it easy for your web visitor to access charts and interpretation reports. As well as, standard one in twelve zodiac sign information. Popularly known as your ‘Stars’ or ‘Horoscopes’, either as free or paid for content.
  • We can offer a wide variety of free horoscope content you can incorporate to your web site. Provide visitors with a uniquely memorable experience. The majority of the general public have only known newspaper Zodiac Sign columns. Or, perhaps tried telephone lines or SMS text messaging for Zodiac information.
  • We offer internet systems which when incorporated to your web site provide individuals easy access to informative astrological information. These reports contain  comprehensive and wide ranging information written by our team of professional astrologers.

Web Astrologyservice

  • We aim to bring excellence of service to those media organizations and web entrepreneurs who are keen to provide the general public with compelling and informative horoscope content. Simple forms enable easy access to meaningful personal information about an individual’s life and their future expectations.
  • Our unique interactive content for URL owners and developers is extremely straight forward to incorporate to web sites. Using our superior technology, custom designed horoscope content can be implemented seamlessly to your URL with the minimum of delay.
  • Give us a call and let us help you make your web site or web portal a more exciting experience for your visitors by adding horoscope content and explain to you how you can increase your potential revenue stream by using an unique features:integrated management system.

Web Astrology software features

  • Every horoscope service listed in our portfolio contains the following
  • Instant delivery in real time either to screen or immediately via email, alternatively both options delivered simultaneously.
  • A unique and secure management system with web user and sales statistics.
  • Forms and emails interfacing seamlessly with your web pages and content coming directly from your web site, via our server, rather than your web users being taken ‘offsite’.
  • Our exclusive daily emailed personal forecasts and zodiac sign horoscopes ensure that your companies name is seen on a daily basis.